Don’t miss SQL Server Geeks Annual Summit 2016!

I am really excited to both attend and speak at the SQL Server Geeks Annual Summit (#SSGAS2016), Asia’s Premier Data & Analytics Conference taking place on 11-13 August in Bangalore, India. SQLServerGeeks Annual Summit 2016 is a full 3-day conference with more than 100 breakout sessions and deep dive pre-con sessions on SQL Server, BI & Analytics, Cloud, Big Data, and related technologies.

This is a truly unique conference (see this video), comprised with multiple tracks on Database Management, Database Development, Business Intelligence, Advanced Analytics, Cloud, and Big Data. The summit attracts SQL experts from around the globe. SSGAS 2016 is the only Data/Analytics event in Asia where product teams from Microsoft’s Data Group fly down from Redmond to deliver advanced sessions on the latest technologies. Apart from engineering, the conference gets full participation from the SQL CAT & TIGER teams of Microsoft.


[Source: Technet]